Breastfeeding : can you drink coffee?

Breastfeeding : can you drink coffee?


Since your baby was born, coffee has become your best friend to get through the day without collapsing. Because between fatigue, restless nights, and postpartum, it’s hard to keep your eyes open. But when you’re breastfeeding, is it really a good idea?

When you wake up or for a snack, coffee is a little treat that’s hard to do without. Especially when you need to be a little stimulated after a very eventful night.

But if caffeine is not recommended during pregnancy, there’s no need to stop everything while breastfeeding. There are still recommendations to follow, particularly regarding the amount of coffee consumed each day, because there’s no question of drowning in coffee grounds.

What is in coffee? Does caffeine pass into breast milk?

Coffee, tea, cocoa, guarana… Caffeine is naturally present in many plants. It is a chemical compound that has been consumed by humans for a very long time. It stimulates the nervous system and, in small doses, increases alertness and reduces drowsiness.

When you drink coffee or tea, caffeine is quickly absorbed by the human body, takes effect 15 to 30 minutes after ingestion and its effects can last for several hours. In large quantities, caffeine can have negative effects on sleep, cause anxiety, a certain irritability. In the long term, cardiovascular problems are also observed and, in pregnant women, a delay in the development of the fetus.

When breastfeeding, caffeine also passes into breast milk. However, it is only present in tiny quantities in milk (around 1%) and does not change its production or composition in any way.

Can I drink coffee if I am a breastfeeding mother? How many cups can I drink for a balanced diet?

Yes, and that’s good because it is sometimes vital with a newborn at home. But as with alcohol, you should not overdo it. It should be consumed in moderation and if you feel that caffeine is impacting your baby’s sleep, simply reduce your consumption.

It is difficult to assess the exact amount of coffee not to exceed in a day to stay healthy without impacting your baby. The EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) recommends:

  • 400 mg for an adult
  • 200 mg for pregnant and breastfeeding women, the equivalent of 2 or 3 cups per day

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That said, caffeine is not only present in coffee, but can be found in a multitude of drinks and foods such as cocoa, certain medications, food supplements or certain sodas. In the calculations, we do not only take into account daily coffees, but all the caffeine absorbed during the day!

Please note: The figures are approximate because the caffeine content and portion sizes vary between countries.

So remember to look carefully at the labels and lists of ingredients so as not to inadvertently ingest kilos of caffeine. If in doubt, seek advice from a healthcare professional.

Drinking coffee: what are the risks when breastfeeding? Does caffeine have effects on babies? How long should I wait to breastfeed after drinking coffee?

Don’t panic, if you drink coffee every morning, your baby is not at risk. In reality, it’s all about quantity. Because after about ten cups of tea or coffee a day, caffeine can have harmful effects on both the mother and her breastfed baby.

Please note: caffeine is most concentrated in the body one to two hours after ingestion. If you are breastfeeding, therefore, prefer to drink your coffee just after breastfeeding.

While the molecule boosts energy, it can also cause sleep disorders, nervousness, and heart palpitations. It also reduces the absorption of iron in our body. However, an iron deficiency is often the cause of anemia. And an anemic mother is an even more tired mother!

In babies, excessive caffeine consumption can trigger a number of reactions. However, each child reacts differently. Premature babies and infants absorb caffeine more slowly. They are therefore more sensitive to it. If your baby is agitated, seems irritated, is hypertonic, has trouble falling asleep, or even has muscle tremors, this may be a sign that you need to drastically reduce your caffeine intake. These symptoms, which are rare, are however only observed if you consume a very large quantity of coffee (more than ten cups of coffee or tea). It is then time to stop your consumption and opt for herbal tea, so that your child’s condition improves and to make an appointment with your doctor or midwife.

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